Petros Psyllos teaches artificial intelligence that a guitar is not a toilet bowl [Modern Newspaper]

za: Gazeta Współczesna

Coming soon to the Polish market is a device for the production of ... musical hits. Its author is PETROS PSYLLOS, A BIALYSTOK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY STUDENT! And there is no doubt that the invention will succeed. Because 22-year-old Petros is a genius!

“I would like to compose music using artificial intelligence”, says Petros Psyllos, a 22-year old student of the Bialystok University of Technology. “I'm already working on the device! When I'm done, I will be able to upload the greatest hits of the Beatles or Rolling Stones to it, and have my invention use its artificial intelligence to create, on the canvas of the legendary pieces of music, a whole new song. It is highly probable that this song would be a hit as well.

Excerpt from an article in the Gazety Współczesnej magazine, pg. 10/11, issued on May 20, 2016.