About xenobots. Interview on TVP morning show

Scientists from the US used stem cells taken from a frog embryo to create small, prototype biological robots - xenobots that are able to move and regenerate spontaneously. How are xenobots designed? They used a supercomputer located at the University of Vermont and artificial intelligence methods. The program running on it, simulating the process of natural evolution, virtually connected heart and skin cells in various configurations.

In this way, he analyzed the different pathways of the evolution of the organism composed of the cells responsible for the structure of the heart and skin in the clawed frog and spat out the best blueprint for building a biological robot. The virtual organisms created in the computer were later transferred to the real world. Scientists from Tufts University took care of it, who took stem cells from African frog embryos and then left them for incubation. From the stem cells, they grew skin and heart cells, and then, with the help of small forceps and an electrode, they cut them up and joined them according to a plan arranged by the computer. In this way, they obtained "body forms" that are not found in nature. Xenobots are approx. 1mm wide and consist of 500-1000 cells. This is the first form of life of this type on Earth, described by scientists as "living, programmable organisms that fall outside the traditional definitions of a robot and an animal." How do xenobots work? ?What can we use them for? Are they threatening us? We talked about this and other issues with Aleksandra Przegalińska in Question for breakfast morning show.

Video: https://pytanienasniadanie.tvp.pl/46222291/naukowcy-z-usa-zbudowali-pierwsze-roboty-z-zywych-komorek